Success Story

Joyce’s Health Journey

With a diabetes diagnosis from her primary physician, Joyce began her journey on the road to better health.

Safe Spaces for Care

A Look At My Lifestyle And Eating Habits

When my doctor told me that I had diabetes, I was shocked and scared.  How I allowed myself to reach this terrible diagnosis made me take a strong look at my lifestyle and eating habits. All I could see was having to give myself a needle every day, which made me want to scream. This was a true real wakeup call because now losing weight, exercise and making my life more stress free was the goal, so with much prayer it began.  I got into a diabetes program for a year to learn how to eat right (writing down everything I ate counting calories), moved out of my comfort zone as far as exercising was concerned by going to the gym, stressed less by taking care of myself instead of everybody else, and opened my mind to listen more as Geri Bethea spoke on her passion of health issues to us monthly. After one year and with medication, my A1C went down from 6.6 to 5.8, my weight with losing 29lbs and still counting, my blood sugar averaging between 90-105 and blood pressure averaging a good rate I am on the road to better health. My name is Joyce.

This was a true wakeup call:  losing weight, exercise
and making my life more stress free was the goals.


LCHC Program Participant